Market Street: Simple Seed

Posted on Mar 1, 2020 in Uncategorized

Simple Seed – Cannabis Health & Lifestyle

Simple Seed is a carefully curated selection of, 100% Legal, Cannabis derived products; from CBD Oils and Skin Care to Hemp Seed Superfoods and Hemp Fabric items. 

Globally, there is a move away from synthetic products towards more natural solutions; in our diet, our day to day habits, and in the way we support our health. 

By using natural skincare products you are kinder to your body, by consuming CBD (Cannabidiol) infused products you are supporting your health naturally, by using hemp textiles you are kinder to the earth.

The laws of the world, and South Africa, are changing and doing away with the century’s long prohibition of this simple plant and its derivatives. We believe that this brings a great responsibility for this new industry to be sustainable, to support the earth and not harm her, and to bring natural alternatives to our synthetic lifestyles. 

Visit our little Cannabis shop in Plettenberg Bay, shop online at and follow us on Facebook or on Instagram @simple.seed